Welcome to my first attempts at homesteading!

There will be ups and downs of gardening, baking, cooking, parenting, and trying out homesteading. It should be interesting, a true learning experience!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Seeds are Amazing

Most of the plants that you have seen in my garden are transplants from my mom's house or she started them from seed for me and I am taking care of the plants now. Well, she lives 4 hours away :( so I have been starting my own seeds now! I put a picture of the seeds that I started on April 5th inside and a picture of what the grownup plant (or product) will look like! I am a visual so this really helps me out :)
Boston Pickling Cucumbers
Apparently they are very prolific and I should not have started them a week early since now I am facing the fact that they will take over my plant shelf way before they are supposed to go outside!
Mid-East Prolific Cucumbers (see there's that hint "prolific", I should have known).
Pastel Sunset Zinnias
White Profusion Zinnias (a short variety) Scarlet Zinnias (only one seed popped up!) Kablouna Mix Calendula (right) ZeoLights Calendula (left) Kablouna Mix (?) Calendula planted 04/02
Kablouna Mix Calendula Zeolights Calendula
I planted Moonlight Marigolds as well and I will be getting another variety that has already been started by my mom called Double Pinwheel.
Moonlight Marigold and Double Pinwheel Marigold
I never looked up what the moonlight marigold flower looks like until today and I think it's rather un-interesting. BUT, I know that marigolds are great to keep the pests away therefore I will plant these and next year, choose a different variety :) I also planted Orange Sun Bell Peppers, Pepperoncini Peppers which I will pickle for my husband who loves these, and Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers that all take a little longer to sprout. SO, there you have it...the very early beginnings of a healthier lifestyle for my family. I want to thank everyone for the extreme generosity they have shown me and my family so that we could start this garden. I have received FREE wood, chicken wire, beautiful plants, bamboo tepee poles, tools, boxes and planters, seeds, soil, and countless other things that would have cost me a fortune! Next post I will be showing which food is growing outside right now and what we've already enjoyed a harvest of! As always, thanks for reading and Stay Tuned!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blooming the day away...

We have a beautiful Magnolia tree in our front yard and it smells wonderful! But unfortunately, its blooming period is very short lived. This is one of the wonderful blossoms that we picked to see how long they would last inside. (Not even 24 hours). As you can see, Bella could not pull her nose away from the flower it smelled so heavenly! What else is in bloom you ask?
Deep Red Pansy, White Pansy, Purple and Orange Violets
Bleeding Heart and Money Plant
Grape Hyacinth, yummy smelling! Blossom on a Sweet Italian Fry Pepper
This is a Peony that is wanting to Bloom since our weather has been so mild! It's not supposed to bloom until May! Well, that's about it for now...strawberries are blooming too, and other things are starting to get ready for the warmer weather but for now, most things are working on getting rooted into this soil since most things out here are new babies, or transplants, or both! I hope to get a post up soon on the progress of my new seeds...stay tuned!