Boston Pickling Cucumbers
Apparently they are very prolific and I should not have started them a week early since now I am facing the fact that they will take over my plant shelf way before they are supposed to go outside!
Mid-East Prolific Cucumbers (see there's that hint "prolific", I should have known).
Pastel Sunset Zinnias
White Profusion Zinnias (a short variety)
Scarlet Zinnias
(only one seed popped up!)

Kablouna Mix Calendula (right)
ZeoLights Calendula (left)
Kablouna Mix (?) Calendula planted 04/02

Kablouna Mix Calendula Zeolights Calendula
I planted Moonlight Marigolds as well and I will be getting another variety that has already been started by my mom called Double Pinwheel.
I never looked up what the moonlight marigold flower looks like until today and I think it's rather un-interesting. BUT, I know that marigolds are great to keep the pests away therefore I will plant these and next year, choose a different variety :)
I also planted Orange Sun Bell Peppers, Pepperoncini Peppers which I will pickle for my husband who loves these, and Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers that all take a little longer to sprout.
SO, there you have it...the very early beginnings of a healthier lifestyle for my family.
I want to thank everyone for the extreme generosity they have shown me and my family so that we could start this garden. I have received FREE wood, chicken wire, beautiful plants, bamboo tepee poles, tools, boxes and planters, seeds, soil, and countless other things that would have cost me a fortune!
Next post I will be showing which food is growing outside right now and what we've already enjoyed a harvest of!
As always, thanks for reading and Stay Tuned!